Irish bayonets
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“During the Second World War, Belfast was the home of bayonet manufacturer Baird Engineering Co.Ltd which made Number 4 spikes. They were at Stranmillis Road, Belfast and their wartime code was N96. Many were issued to the Indian Army and are marked I.G.

 See ‘Spirit of the Spike’ by Graham Priest, published July 2003.”


   IrishArmybayonets.jpg (7490 bytes)                                      Number9IrishArmy.JPG (13344 bytes)

This example of the Number 9 is marked with the letters PF and a serial number. This denotes usage by the Irish Army during the 1950’s and 1960’s and were used on  issue Garl Gustaf  SMG M45 by fitting a lug onto the top of the barrel jacket

(Thanks to Jeff hayes for the pics)

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What became known as the Irish Constabulary socket pattern 1840. This socket differs from others by the distinctive leaf spring on face of the blade , designed to secure the bayonet in the scabbard and prevent any insurgents from stealing it for use against its owner.I have seen these sockets marked ‘C’ for Constabulary and ‘R.P.’ for Revenue Police.